
Birth of John the Baptist Annunciation Visitation of Mary Finding Jesus in the Temple Birth of Jesus Circumcision of Jesus Return of the Family of Jesus to Nazareth Adoration of the Shepherds Infant Jesus at the Temple Annunciation to the Shepherds Baptism of Jesus Genealogy of Jesus Ministry of John the Baptist Healing the Mother of Peter's Wife Exorcising at Sunset Temptation of Jesus Exorcism at the Synagogue in Capernaum Rejection of Jesus Miraculous Draught of Fishes Cleansing a Leper First Disciples of Jesus New Wine Into Old Wineskins Paralytic at Capernaum Calling of Matthew The Wise and the Foolish Builders Expounding of the Law Beatitudes Discourse on Judging The Test of a Good Person Commissioning the Twelve Apostles Lord of the Sabbath Man With Withered Hand Messengers From John the Baptist The Centurion's Servant The Two Debtors Young Man From Nain Anointing of Jesus Gerasenes Demonic The Lamp Under a Bushel Calming the Storm Daughter of Jairus The Bleeding Woman Parable of the Sower Jesus' True Relatives Beheading of John the Baptist Boy Possessed by a Demon Confession of Peter Transfiguration of Jesus The Little Children Feeding the 5000 The Little Children Seventy Disciples Parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus at the Home of Martha and Mary The Friend at Night The Lord's Prayer Parable of the Strong Man Exorcising the Blind and Mute Man The Birds of Heaven The Rich Fool Not Peace, but a Sword Eternal Sin The Faithful Servant Parable of the Mustard Seed The Barren Fig Tree An Infirm Woman The Leaven Counting the Cost The Great Banquet Man With Dropsy Parable of the Prodigal Son The Lost Coin The Lost Sheep The Unjust Steward Rich Man and Lazarus Cleansing Ten Lepers The Master and Servant Jesus Predicts His Death Blind Near Jericho Pharisee and the Tax Collector Jesus and the Rich Young Man The Unjust Judge Jesus and Zacchaeus Palm Sunday The Talents or Minas Second Temple Cleansing The Wicked Husbandmen Woes of the Pharisees Authority of Jesus Questioned Render Unto Caesar... Second Coming Prophecy The Budding Fig Tree Widow's Mite Sanhedrin Trial of Jesus The Kiss of Judas Healing the Ear of a Servant Last Supper Gethsemane Arrest of Jesus Bargain of Judas Crucifixion of Jesus Carrying the Cross