[The Son of Man] will answer them, "Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me." (Matthew 25:45)
Who are the least of your sisters and brothers for whom you do care? Who are those whom you ignore?
To which person did you especially try to show the love and care of Jesus?
Intermediate Activities: Christian Prayer
Chapter 66:
Praying with Psalms
Ps 22:2-22, 23:1-6, 96:1-13
Advanced Activities: The Celebration of the Christian Mystery
Chapter 85:
Anointing with Oil
Ps 23:5; Jdt 10:1-3; Lk 10:34; 1 Sm 10:1; 2 Cor 2:15; Ex 30:30