Social Responsibility

Key Passage
At that [Jesus] said to them "Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's." (Matthew 22:21)
Adults: How much responsibility do you feel the government should take for meeting the needs of the less fortunate in our society? How willing are you to contribute?
Children: Who needs help in your neighborhood or community? What could you and your family do to help?


First Reading • Rewards to Cyrus, King of Persia
Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 (NRSVCE | GNT | MSG | NLT | NRSVACE)
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Psalms 96:1+3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10 (NRSVCE | GNT | MSG | NLT | NRSVACE)
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Second Reading • A Model for Believers
1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b (NRSVCE | GNT | MSG | NLT | NRSVACE)
Gospel • Paying Tax to the Emperor
Matthew 22:15-21 (NRSVCE | GNT | MSG | NLT | NRSVACE)