Sunday, May 5, 2024

6th Sunday of Easter: Love of Your Neighbor (B) 56
Key Passage
Jesus said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12)
Adults: How is love of others connected to love for God?
Children: Who needs Jesus' love this week? How can you show them his love?


Psalms 98:1, 2-3a, 3b-4 (NRSVCE | GNT | MSG | NLT | NRSVACE)
First Reading • Peter in Caesarea
Acts of the Apostles 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (NRSVCE | GNT | MSG | NLT | NRSVACE)
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Second Reading • God's Love and Ours
1 John 4:7-10 (NRSVCE | GNT | MSG | NLT | NRSVACE)
Gospel • A Disciple's Love
John 15:9-17 (NRSVCE | GNT | MSG | NLT | NRSVACE)
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